Abhidhamma Lectures by Sayadaw U Silananda - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Abhidhamma Lectures by Sayadaw U Silananda

Abhidhamma Tapes

Chapter 1
Tape #1           Getting Acquainted
Tape #2           Two Kinds of Truths
Tape #3           Akusala Cittas
Tape #4           Ahetuka Cittas
Tape #5           Kàmàvacara Sabhana Cittas and Part of Rùpàcavara Cittas
Tape #6           Rùpàvacara Cittas & Part of Arùpàvacara Cittas
Tape #7           Arùpàvacara Cittas
Tape #8           Lokuttara Cittas

Chapter 2

Tape #9           Review of 1st Chap. with Chart, and Cetasikas Universals
Tape #10         Pakiääka & Akusala Cetasikas
Tape #11         Sobhana Cetasikas up to Karuäà & Mudità
Tape #12         Paññindriya Cetasika & Sampayoga Method
Tape #13         Sangaha Method & Mixture of Two

Chapter 3

Tape #14         Vedanà, Hetu & Kicca Saægahas
Tape #15         Review of Citta Chart & Dvàra & Àrammaäa Saægahas
Tape #16         Correction & Àrammaäa Saægaha
Tape #17         Go through Table again & Vatthu Saægaha

Chapter 4

Tape #18         Thought Processes (I)
Tape #19         Thought Processes (II)
Tape #20         Thought Processes (III) & Tadàrammaä Niyama
Tape #21         Javana Niyama & Individuals
Tape #22         Individuals, contd.

Chapter 5

Tape #23         Planes of Existence
Tape #24         Four Kinds of Paåisandhis
Tape #25         Kamma (I)
Tape #26         Kamma (II)
Tape #27         Process of Death & Rebirth (I)
Tape #28         Process of Death & Rebirth (II)

Chapter 6

Tape #29         Enumeration of Matter
Tape #30         Anipphanna-rùpa & Rùpavibhàga
Tape #31         Origination of Matter
Tape #32         Grouping of Matter
Tape #33         Arising of Matter & Nibbàna

Chapter 7

Tape #34         Akusala Saægaha
Tape #35         Missaka Saægaha
Tape #36         Bodhipakkhiya Saægaha
Tape #37         Sabba Saægaha

Chapter 8

Tape #38         Intro to Paåiccasamuppàda
Tape #39         Paåiccasamuppàda
Tape #40         Paååhàna Conditions (I)
Tape #41         Paååhàna Conditions (II)
Tape #42         Paååhàna Conditions (III)
Tape #43         Conditioning & Conditioned
Tape #44         Synthesis of Conditions & Concepts

Chapter 9

Tape #45         Subjects of Meditation
Tape #46         Temperaments, etc.
Tape #47         Arùpàvacara Jhànas & Vipassanà
Tape #48         Vipassanà:Purification of Mind to Emancipations
Tape #49         Analysis of Individuals & Attainments


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