SaÑghÈdisesuddesa (All in brief) With audio file for each. (Click The background and factors to see the Text in detail) | |
Ime kho pan’ Èyasmanto terasa SaÑghÈdisesÈ SukkavissaÔÔhi sikkhÈpada. 1. * SaÒcetanikÈ sukkavissaÔÔhi aÒÒatra supinantÈ SaÑghÈdiseso. | 1. Intentional emission of semen, except in a dream while dreaming, this entails Saṃghādisesa offence. |
2. * Yo pana bhikkhu otiÓÓo vipariÓatena cittena mÈtugÈmena saddhiÑ kÈyasaÑsaggaÑ samÈpajjeyya hatthaggÈhaÑ vÈ veÓiggÈhaÑ vÈ aÒÒatarassa vÈ aÒÒatarassa vÈ a~gassa parÈmasanaÑ, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 2. Should any bhikkhu, overcome by lust, with altered mind, engage in bodily contact with a woman, or in holding her hand, holding a lock of her hair, or caressing any of her limbs, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
3. * Yo pana bhikkhu otiÓÓo vipariÓatena cittena mÈtugÈmaÑ duÔÔhullÈhi vÈcÈhi obhÈseyya yathÈ taÑ yuvÈ yuvatiÑ methunupasaÑhitÈhi, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 3. Should any bhikkhu, overcome by lust, with altered mind, address lewd words to a woman in the manner of young men to a young woman alluding to sexual intercourse, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
4. * Yo pana bhikkhu otiÓÓo vipariÓatena cittena mÈtugÈmassa santike attakÈmapÈricariyÈya vaÓÓaÑ bhÈseyya: "Etad aggaÑ bhagini pÈricariyÈnaÑ yÈ mÈdisaÑ sÊlavantaÑ kalyÈÓadhammaÑ brahmacÈriÑ etena dhammena paricareyyÈ" ti methunupasaÑhitena, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 4. Should any bhikkhu, overcome by lust, with altered mind, speak in the presence of a woman in praise of ministering to his own sensuality thus: "This, sister, is the highest ministration, that of ministering to a virtuous, fine-natured follower of the celibate life such as myself with this act" -- alluding to sexual intercourse -- it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
5. Yo pana bhikkhu saÒcarittaÑ samÈpajjeyya itthiyÈ vÈ purisamatiÑ, purisassa vÈ itthimatiÑ, jÈyattane vÈ jÈrattane vÈ, antamaso ta~khaÓikÈya pi, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 5. Should any bhikkhu engage in conveying a man's intentions to a woman or a woman's intentions to a man, proposing marriage or paramourage -- even if only for a momentary liaison -- it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
o Sañcarita = [pp. of sañcarati<saṃ+car+a] = gone about; wandered; moved. o Samāpajjati = [saṃ + ā + pad + ya] enters upon; engages in. o Jāyattana = (nt) the state of a wife. o Jārattana = (nt) the state of a paramour o Mati = (f) wisdom, ideal o Antamaso = [origin. abl. Of antama] (adv.) even o khaṇika = (nt) momentary; temporary; changeable. Antamaso taṅkhaṇikāyapi = even for a momentary wife/temporary wife | |
6. * SaÒÒÈcikÈya pana bhikkhunÈ kuÔiÑ kÈrayamÈnena assÈmikaÑ attuddesaÑ pamÈÓikÈ kÈretabbÈ, tatr’ idaÑ pamÈÓaÑ: dÊghaso dvÈdasa vidatthiyo sugatavidatthiyÈ, tiriyaÑ sattantarÈ. Bhikkh| abhinetabbÈ vatthudesanÈya, tehi bhikkh|hi vatthu desetabbaÑ anÈrambhaÑ saparikkamanaÑ. SÈrambhe ce bhikkhu vatthusmiÑ aparikkamane saÒÒÈcikÈya kuÔiÑ kÈreyya, bhikkh| vÈ anabhineyya vatthudesanÈya, pamÈÓaÑ vÈ atikkÈmeyya, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 6. When a bhikkhu is building a hut from (gains acquired by) his own begging -- having no sponsor, destined for himself -- he is to build it to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: twelve spans, using the sugata span, in length (measuring outside); seven in width, (measuring) inside. Bhikkhus are to be assembled to designate the site. The site the bhikkhus designate should be without disturbances and with adequate space. If the bhikkhu should build a hut from his own begging on a site with disturbances and without adequate space, or if he should not assemble the bhikkhus to designate the site, or if he should exceed the standard, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
7. * MahallakaÑ pana bhikkhunÈ vihÈraÑ kÈrayamÈnena sassÈmikaÑ attuddesaÑ bhikkh| abhinetabbÈ vatthudesanÈya, tehi bhikkh|hi vatthu desetabbaÑ anÈrambhaÑ saparikkamanaÑ. SÈrambhe ce bhikkhu vatthusmiÑ aparikkamane mahallakaÑ vihÈraÑ kÈreyya, bhikkh| vÈ anabhineyya vatthudesanÈya, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 7. When a bhikkhu is building a large dwelling -- having a sponsor and destined for himself -- he is to assemble bhikkhus to designate the site. The site the bhikkhus designate should be without disturbances and with adequate space. If the bhikkhu should build a large dwelling on a site with disturbances and without adequate space, or if he should not assemble the bhikkhus to designate the site, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
8. Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuÑ duÔÔho doso appatÊto am|lakena pÈrÈjikena dhammena anuddhaÑseyya: "App’ eva nÈma naÑ imamhÈ brahmacariyÈ cÈveyyan” ti. Tato aparena samayena samanuggÈhÊyamÈno vÈ asamanuggÈhÊyamÈno vÈ am|lakaÒ c’ eva taÑ adhikaraÓaÑ hoti, bhikkhu ca dosaÑ patiÔÔhÈti, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 8. Should any bhikkhu, malicious, angered, displeased, charge a (fellow) bhikkhu with an unfounded case involving defeat, (thinking), "Surely with this I may bring about his fall from the celibate life," then regardless of whether or not he is cross-examined on a later occasion, if the issue is unfounded and the bhikkhu confesses his anger, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
o dussati = [dus+ya] offends against; becomes corrupted or angry. o Duṭṭha = [pp of dussati] offendered against, = become corrupted or angry = (adj.) spoilt; corrupt, wicked, bad o appatīta = (adj.) displeasedā o amūlakena = (adv.) ungroundlessly o mūlaka = (m) the reddish – = ( cpds.) being condictioned by, originating o dhaṃsati =[ved. dhvaṃsati] to fall to dust, sink down, perish, o dhaṃseti =(caus.) causes to sink down… *anuddhaṃseyya = anu + dhaṃseya? o uddhaṃseti = [u+dhaṃs+e] destroys; brings ruin on… *anuddhaṃseyya = anu+uddhaṃseyya? o appeva nāma = it is well, if … o cāveti = [caus. Of cavati] causes to bring to fall, = causes to drive away; causes to distract o tato = (ind.) from there; from that; thence; therefore; thereupon o apara = (a) another; other (2) western o tato apara = afterwards o samaya = (m) time, congregation; season; occation; religion o adhikaraṇam = (adv.) in consequence of; because of; for the sake of o samanuggāhīyamāno = saṃ+anu+√gāh+īya+māna>māno = being questioned, being examined, (√gāhu = tir, churn) o patiṭṭhāti = [pati+ṭhā+a] is established, stands firmly, finds a support o eva = (empatic particle) only | |
9. Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuÑ duÔÔho doso appatÊto aÒÒabhÈgiyassa adhikaraÓassa kiÒci desaÑ lesamattaÑ upÈdÈya pÈrÈjikena dhammena anuddhaÑseyya: "App’ eva nÈma naÑ imamhÈ brahmacariyÈ cÈveyyan” ti. Tato aparena samayena samanuggÈhÊyamÈno vÈ asamanuggÈhÊyamÈno vÈ aÒÒabhÈgiyaÒ c’ eva taÑ adhikaraÓaÑ hoti koci deso lesamatto upÈdinno, bhikkhu ca dosaÑ patiÔÔhÈti, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 9. Should any bhikkhu, malicious, angered, displeased, using as a mere ploy an aspect of an issue that pertains otherwise, charge a bhikkhu with a case involving defeat, (thinking), "Surely with this I may bring about his fall from the celibate life," then regardless of whether or not he is cross-examined on a later occasion, if the issue pertains otherwise, an aspect used as a mere ploy, and the bhikkhu confesses his anger, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
10. Yo pana bhikkhu samaggassa SaÑghassa bhedÈya parakkameyya, bhedanasaÑvattanikaÑ vÈ adhikaraÓaÑ samÈdÈya paggayha tiÔÔheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi evam assa vacanÊyo: "M’ ÈyasmÈ samaggassa SaÑghassa bhedÈya parakkami, bhedanasaÑvattanikaÑ vÈ adhikaraÓaÑ samÈdÈya paggayha aÔÔhÈsi, samet’ ÈyasmÈ SaÑghena, samaggo hi SaÑgho sammodamÈno avivadamÈno ekuddeso phÈsu viharatÊ" ti, evaÒ ca so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi vuccamÈno tath’ eva paggaÓheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi yÈvatatiyaÑ samanubhÈsitabbo tassa paÔinissaggÈya, yÈvatatiyaÒ ce samanubhÈsiyamÈno taÑ paÔinissajjeyya, icc’ etaÑ kusalaÑ, no ce paÔinissajjeyya, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 10. Should any bhikkhu agitate for a schism in a Community in concord, or should he persist in taking up an issue conducive to schism, the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: "Do not, Ven. sir, agitate for a schism in a Community in concord or persist in taking up an issue conducive to schism. Let the venerable one be reconciled with the Community, for a Community in concord, on complimentary terms, free from dispute, having a common recitation, dwells in peace." And should that bhikkhu, admonished thus by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times so as to desist. If while being rebuked up to three times he desists, that is good. If he does not desist, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
o samagga = (adj) being in unity o bheda = (m) breach; disunion; dissension. o Bhedana = (n) breach; division; disunion. o Parakkamati = [parā + kamm + a] exerts; shows courage. o saṃvattanika = (adj) conducive to; involving. o adhikaraṇaṃ = (av) in consequence of; because of; for the sake of. o Samādāya = (abs) having accepted o Paggayha = [abs. of paggaṇhāti = pa + gah + ṇhā] = having held up; having taken up; = having supported; having favoured; having stretched forth. o tiṭṭha = [ṭhā + a; ṭhā is changed to tiṭṭha] = stands; stays; abides; lasts; remains. = (comparative tiṭṭhatu has the meaning; =leave it alone or let it be so). o Vacana = (nt.) utterance; word; saying; a term; an expression. o Sameti = [saṃ+i+a] comes together; meets; agrees with; compares; makes even; appeases. o Sammodamāna = being joyful, rejoicing. o sammodati = [saṃ+mud+a] rejoices; delights; exchanges friendly; greetings. o Vivadamāna = [pr.p. of vivadati] disputing; quarrelling. o Eka = (a) same; certain; unknown. (used for the indefinite article). One, (only in the sing.). in plural it gives the meaning "some". o Uddesa = (m) 1. indication; 2. propounding; 3. recitation. o Vuccamāna = [pr.p. of vuccati] saying or calling. o Tatha = (a) true; real. (nt.), the truth. o yāvatatiyaṃ = (av) up to the third time. o Samanubhāsati = [saṃ + anu + bhās + a] converses together. o paṭinissagga = (m) giving up; rejection; forsaking. o paṭinissasajjati = [paṭi + ni + saj + ya] gives up; renounces; forsakes. o Eta = (demons. pron.) that; this. (mas. sing.); takes this form in some cases. | |
11. Tass’ eva kho pana bhikkhussa bhikkh| honti anuvattakÈ vaggavÈdakÈ eko vÈ dve vÈ tayo vÈ, te evaÑ vadeyyuÑ: "M’ Èyasmanto etaÑ bhikkhuÑ kiÒci avacuttha, dhammavÈdÊ c’ eso bhikkhu, vinayavÈdÊ c’ eso bhikkhu, amhÈkaÒ c’ eso bhikkhu chandaÒ ca ruciÒ ca ÈdÈya voharati, jÈnÈti, no bhÈsati, amhÈkam p’ etaÑ khamatÊ" ti. Te bhikkh| bhikkh|hi evam assu vacanÊyÈ: "M’ Èyasmanto evaÑ avacuttha, na c’ eso bhikkhu dhammavÈdÊ, na c’ eso bhikkhu vinayavÈdÊ. M’ ÈyasmantÈnam pi SaÑghabhedo ruccittha, samet’ ÈyasmantÈnaÑ SaÑghen. Samaggo hi SaÑgho sammodamÈno avivadamÈno ekuddeso phÈsu viharatÊ" ti, EvaÒca te bhikkh| bhikkh|hi vuccamÈnÈ tath’ eva paggaÓheyyuÑ, te bhikkh| bhikkh|hi yÈvatatiyaÑ samanubhÈsitabbÈ tassa paÔinissaggÈya, yÈvatatiyaÒ ce samanubhÈsiyamÈnÈ taÑ paÔinissajjeyyuÑ, icc’ etaÑ kusalaÑ, no ce paÔinissajjeyyuÑ, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 11. Should bhikkhus -- one, two, or three -- who are followers and partisans of that bhikkhu, say, "Do not, Ven. sirs, admonish that bhikkhu in any way. He is an exponent of the Dhamma, an exponent of the Vinaya. He acts with our consent and approval. He knows, he speaks for us, and that is pleasing to us," other bhikkhus are to admonish them thus: "Do not say that, Ven. sirs. That bhikkhu is not an exponent of the Dhamma and he is not an exponent of the Vinaya. Do not, Ven. sirs, approve of a schism in the Community. Let the venerable ones' (minds) be reconciled with the Community, for a Community in concord, on complimentary terms, without dispute, with a common recitation, dwells in peace." And should those bhikkhus, thus admonished, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke them up to three times so as to desist. If while being rebuked up to three times by the bhikkhus they desist, that is good. If they do not desist, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
12. Bhikkhu pan’ eva dubbacajÈtiko hoti uddesapariyÈpannesu sikkhÈpadesu bhikkh|hi sahadhammikaÑ vuccamÈno attÈnaÑ avacanÊyaÑ karoti: "MÈ maÑ Èyasmanto kiÒci avacuttha kalyÈÓaÑ vÈ pÈpakaÑ vÈ, ahampÈyasmante na kiÒci vakkhÈmi kalyÈÓaÑ vÈ pÈpakaÑ vÈ, viramath’ Èyasmanto mama vacanÈyÈ" ti. So bhikkhu bhikkh|hi evam assa vacanÊyo: "M’ ÈyasmÈ attÈnaÑ avacanÊyaÑ akÈsi, vacanÊyam ev’ ÈyasmÈ attÈnaÑ karotu, ÈyasmÈ pi bhikkh| vadatu sahadhammena, bhikkh| pi ÈyasmantaÑ vakkhanti sahadhammena. EvaÑ saÑvaddhÈ hi tassa Bhagavato parisÈ yad idaÑ aÒÒamaÒÒavacanena aÒÒamaÒÒavuÔÔhÈpanenÈ" ti. EvaÒ ca so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi vuccamÈno tath’ eva paggaÓheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi yÈvatatiyaÑ samanubhÈsitabbo tassa paÔinissaggÈya, yÈvatatiyaÒ ce samanubhÈsiyamÈno taÑ paÔinissajjeyya, icc’ etaÑ kusalaÑ, no ce paÔinissajjeyya, SaÑghÈdiseso. | 12. In case a bhikkhu is by nature difficult to admonish -- who, when being legitimately admonished by the bhikkhus with reference to the training rules included in the (Patimokkha) recitation, makes himself unadmonishable (saying), "Do not, venerable ones, say anything to me, good or bad; and I will not say anything to the venerable ones, good or bad. Refrain, venerable ones, from admonishing me" -- the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: "Let the venerable one not make himself unadmonishable. Let the venerable one make himself admonishable. Let the venerable one admonish the bhikkhus in accordance with what is right, and the bhikkhus will admonish the venerable one in accordance with what is right; for it is thus that the Blessed One's following is nurtured: through mutual admonition, through mutual rehabilitation." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to be rebuke him up to three times so as to desist. If while being rebuked up to three times he desists, that is good. If he does not desist, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
13. Bhikkhu pan’ eva aÒÒataraÑ gÈmaÑ vÈ nigamaÑ vÈ upanissÈya viharati kulad|sako pÈpasamÈcÈro, tassa kho pÈpakÈ samÈcÈrÈ dissanti c’ eva suyyanti ca, kulÈni ca tena duÔÔhÈni dissanti c’ eva suyyanti ca, so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi evam assa vacanÊyo: "ŒyasmÈ kho kulad|sako pÈpasamÈcÈro, Èyasmato kho pÈpakÈ samÈcÈrÈ dissanti c’ eva suyyanti ca, kulÈni c’ ÈyasmatÈ duÔÔhÈni dissanti c’ eva suyyanti ca, pakkamat’ ÈyasmÈ imamhÈ ÈvÈsÈ, alaÑ te idha vÈsenÈ" ti. EvaÒ ca so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi vuccamÈno te bhikkh| evaÑ vadeyya: "ChandagÈmino ca bhikkh|, dosagÈmino ca bhikkh|, mohagÈmino ca bhikkh|, bhayagÈmino ca bhikkh| tÈdisikÈya ÈpattiyÈ ekaccaÑ pabbÈjenti, ekaccaÑ na pabbÈjentÊ" ti. So bhikkhu bhikkh|hi evam assa vacanÊyo: "M’ ÈyasmÈ evaÑ avaca, na ca bhikkh| chandagÈmino, na ca bhikkh| dosagÈmino, na ca bhikkh| mohagÈmino, na ca bhikkh| bhayagÈmino. ŒyasmÈ kho kulad|sako pÈpasamÈcÈro, Èyasmato kho pÈpakÈ samÈcÈrÈ dissanti c’ eva suyyanti ca, kulÈni c’ ÈyasmatÈ duÔÔhÈni dissanti c’ eva suyyanti ca, pakkamatÈyasmÈ imamhÈ ÈvÈsÈ, alaÑ te idha vÈsenÈ" ti. EvaÒ ca so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi vuccamÈno tath’ eva paggaÓheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkh|hi yÈvatatiyaÑ samanubhÈsitabbo tassa paÔinissaggÈya, yÈvatatiyaÒ ce samanubhÈsiyamÈno taÑ paÔinissajjeyya, icc’ etaÑ kusalaÑ, no ce paÔinissajjeyya, SaÑghÈdiseso. UddiÔÔhÈ kho Èyasmanto terasa SaÑghÈdisesÈ dhammÈ nava paÔhamÈpattikÈ, cattÈro yÈvatatiyakÈ. YesaÑ bhikkhu aÒÒataraÑ vÈ aÒÒataraÑ vÈ ÈpajjitvÈ yÈvatÊhaÑ jÈnaÑ paÔicchÈdeti, tÈvatÊhaÑ tena bhikkhunÈ akÈmÈ parivatthabbaÑ. ParivutthaparivÈsena bhikkhunÈ uttari chÈrattaÑ bhikkhumÈnattÈya paÔipajjitabbaÑ. CiÓÓamÈnatto bhikkhu yattha siyÈ vÊsatigaÓo BhikkhusaÑgho, tattha so bhikkhu abbhetabbo. Ekena pi ce |no vÊsatigaÓo BhikkhusaÑgho taÑ bhikkhuÑ abbheyya, so ca bhikkhu anabbhito, te ca bhikkh| gÈrayhÈ. AyaÑ tattha sÈmÊci. Tatth’ Èyasmante pucchÈmi: Kacci ’ttha parisuddhÈ? Dutiyam pi pucchÈmi: Kacci ’ttha parisuddhÈ? Tatiyam pi pucchÈmi: Kacci ’ttha parisuddhÈ? Parisuddh’ etth’ Èyasmanto, tasmÈ tuÓhÊ. Evam etaÑ dhÈrayÈmÊ ti. SaÑghÈdiseso niÔÔhito. | 13. In case a bhikkhu living in dependence on a certain village or town is a corrupter of families, a man of depraved conduct -- whose depraved conduct is both seen and heard about, and the families he has corrupted are both seen and heard about -- the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "You, Ven. sir, are a corrupter of families, a man of depraved conduct. Your depraved conduct is both seen and heard about; the families you have corrupted are both seen and heard about. Leave this monastery, Ven. sir. Enough of your staying here." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, say about the bhikkhus, "The bhikkhus are prejudiced by favoritism, prejudiced by aversion, prejudiced by delusion, prejudiced by fear, in that for this sort of offense they banish some and do not banish others," the bhikkhus are to admonish him thus: "Do not say that, Ven. sir. The bhikkhus are not prejudiced by favoritism, are not prejudiced by aversion, are not prejudiced by delusion, are not prejudiced by fear. You, Ven. sir, are a corrupter of families, a man of depraved conduct. Your depraved conduct is both seen and heard about, and the families you have corrupted are both seen and heard about. Leave this monastery, Ven. sir. Enough of your staying here." And should that bhikkhu, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus are to rebuke him up to three times so as to desist. If while being rebuked up to three times he desists, that is good. If he does not desist, it entails initial and subsequent meetings of the Community. |
Abbhāna (nt.) = [abhi + āyana of ā + yā (i)] coming back, rehabilitation of a bhikkhu who has undergone a penance for an expiable offence Vin I.49 (°âraha), 53 (id.), 143, 327; II.33, 40, 162; A I.99. -- Cp. abbheti. Mānatta (nt.) = [a doubtful word, prob. corrupted out of something else, maybe omānatta, if taken as der. fr. māna1. If however taken as belonging to māna2 as an abstr. der., it might be expld as "measuring, taking measures," which suits the context better. The BSk. form is still more puzzling, viz. mānāpya "something pleasant": Mvyut § 265] a sort of penance, attached to the commission of a sanghādisesa offence DhsA 399 (+parivāsa). °ŋ deti to inflict penance on somebody Vin II.7 (+parivāsaŋ deti); IV.225. mānatt'âraha deserving penance Vin II.55, 162 (parivāsika+). See on term Vin. Texts II.397. |
· IminÈ lakkhaÓena dassitasikkhÈpadÈni bhikkhunivibha~ge n’atthi.
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