(The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling)(from Vinaya Mahàvagga 1)
Edited & Translated by Ànandajoti Bhikkhu
...atha kho Bhagavà paåcavaggiye bhikkhù àmantesi: ...then the Gracious One addressed the group-of-five monks, saying:
"Dve me bhikkhave, antà pabbajitena na sevitabbà, "There are these two extremes, O monks, that one who has gone forth ought not to practices,
yo càyaö: kàmesu kàmasukhallikànuyogo,which is this: devotion to the pleasure and happiness in sense desire,
hìno, gammo, pothujjaniko, anariyo, anatthasaöhito; which is low, vulgar, worldly, ignoble, and not connected with the goal (unbeneficial);
yo càyaö: attakilamathànuyogo,and this: devotion to self-mortification,
dukkho, anariyo, anatthasaöhito. which is painful, ignoble, and not connected with the goal (unbeneficial).
Ete te bhikkhave ubho ante anupagamma, majjhimà paåipadàNot having approached either of these two extremes, monks, the middle practice
Tathàgatena abhisambuddhà, cakkhukaraäì, åàäakaraäì,was awakened to by the Realised One, which produces vision, produces knowledge,
upasamàya abhiååàya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saövattati. and which leads to peace, deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Katamà ca sà bhikkhave majjhimà paåipadà, Now what is this middle practice, monks,
Tathàgatena abhisambuddhà, cakkhukaraäì, åàäakaraäì, that was awakened to by the Realised One, which produces vision, produces knowledge,
upasamàya abhiååàya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saövattati?and which leads to peace, deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna?
Ayam-eva ariyo aååhaægiko maggo, seyyathìdam:It is this noble path with eight factors, as follows:
ii. sammàsaækapporight thought
iii. sammàvàcà right speech
iv. sammàkammanto right action
v. sammààjìvo right livelihood
vi. sammàvàyàmo right endeavour
vii. sammàsati right mindfulness
viii. sammàsamàdhi. right concentration.
Ayaö kho sà bhikkhave majjhimà paåipadà, This is the middle practice, monks,
Tathàgatena abhisambuddhà, cakkhukaraäì, åàäakaraäì, that was awakened to by the Realised One, which produces vision, produces knowledge,
upasamàya abhiååàya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saövattati.and which leads to peace, deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
The Four Noble Truths
I. Idaö kho pana bhikkhave dukkhaö ariya-saccaö:
Now this, monks, is the noble truth of suffering:
Now this, monks, is the noble truth of suffering:
jàti pi dukkhàbirth is suffering
jarà pi dukkhà alsoold age is suffering
vyàdhi pi dukkho alsosickness is suffering
maraäam-pi dukkhaö alsodeath is suffering
appiyehi sampayogo dukkho being joined to what is not dear is suffering
piyehi vippayogo dukkho being seperated from what is dear is suffering
yam-p' icchaö na labhati tam-pi dukkhaö alsonot to obtain what one longs for is suffering
saækhittena paåc' upàdànakkhandhà dukkhà. in brief, the five constituents (of mind and body) that are attached to are suffering.
ii. Idaö kho pana bhikkhave dukkhasamudayaöariya-saccaö: Now this, monks, is the noble truth of the arising of suffering:
yà yaö taähà ponobhavikà, it is that craving which leads to renewed existence,
nandiràgasahagatà, tatratatràbhinandinì, seyyathìdaö: which is connected with enjoyment and passion, greatly enjoying this and that, as follows:
kàmataähà craving for sense pleasures
bhavataähà craving for existence
vibhavataähà. craving for non-existence.
iii. Idaö kho pana bhikkhave dukkhanirodhaöariya-saccaö: Now this, monks, is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering:
yo tassà yeva taähàya asesaviràganirodho -it is the complete fading away and cessation without remainder of that craving -
càgo, paåinissaggo, mutti, anàlayo. liberation, letting go, release, and non-adherence.
iv. Idaö kho pana bhikkhave, Now this, monks,
dukkhanirodhagàminì paåipadà ariya-saccaö: is the noble truth of the practice going to the end of suffering:
Ayam-eva ariyo aååhaægiko maggo, seyyathìdam:It is this noble path with eight factors, as follows:
ii. sammàsaækapporight thought
iii. sammàvàcà right speech
iv. sammàkammanto right action
v. sammààjìvo right livelihood
vi. sammàvàyàmo right endeavour
vii. sammàsati right mindfulness
viii. sammàsamàdhi. right concentration.
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhaö ariya-saccaö" pariååeyyan-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of suffering" refers (i.e. suffering itself) ought to be fully known -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhaö ariya-saccaö" pariååàtan-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of suffering" refers has been fully known -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
ii. "Idaö dukkhasamudayaö ariya-saccan"-ti -
"This is the noble truth of the arising of suffering" -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' idaö "dukkhasamudayaö ariya-saccaö" pahàtabban-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of the arising of suffering" refers (i.e. craving) ought to be given up -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhasamudayaö ariya-saccaö" pahìnan-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of the arising of suffering" refers has been given up,
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
iii. "Idaö dukkhanirodhaö ariya-saccan"-ti - "This is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering" -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhanirodhaö ariya-saccaö" sacchikàtabban-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering" refers (i.e. Nibbàna) ought to be experienced -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhanirodhaö ariya-saccaö" sacchikatan-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering" refers has been experienced -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
iv. "Idaö dukkhanirodhagàminì paåipadà ariya-saccan"-ti - "This is the noble truth of the practice going to the cessation of suffering"-
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhanirodhagàminì paåipadà ariya-saccaö" bhàvetabban-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of the practice going to the end of suffering" refers (i.e. the practice itself) ought to be developed -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi, vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Taö kho pan' "idaö dukkhanirodhagàminì paåipadà ariya-saccaö" bhàvitan-ti -Now that to which "this is the noble truth of the practice going to the end of suffering" refers has been developed -
me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu to me, monks, regarding these previously unheard-of things
cakkhuö udapàdi, åàäaö udapàdi,vision arose, knowledge arose,
paååà udapàdi, vijjà udapàdi, àloko udapàdi. wisdom rose, understanding arose, light arose.
Declaring the Awakening
Yàva kìvaå-ca me bhikkhave imesu catusu ariya-saccesu For as long as to me, monks, in regard to these four noble truths
- evaö tiparivaååaö dvàdasàkàraö - - turned like this, in three ways, twelvefold -
yathàbhùtaö åàäadassanaö na suvisuddhaö ahosi, knowledge and seeing as it really is was not quite clear,
n' eva tàvàhaö bhikkhave sadevake loke samàrake sabrahmake, for that long, monks, I did not declare to the world with its gods, demons, and deities,
sassamaäabràhmaäiyà pajàya sadevamanussàya, to this generation, with its ascetics and brahmins, princes and men,
anuttaraö sammàsambodhiö Abhisambuddho paccaååàsiö. that I was a Full Sambuddha with unsurpassed perfect and complete awakening.
Yato ca kho me bhikkhave imesu catusu ariya-saccesu But when to me, monks, in regard to these four noble truths
- evaö tiparivaååaö dvàdasàkàraö - - turned like this, in three ways, twelvefold -
yathàbhùtaö åàäadassanaö suvisuddhaö ahosi, knowledge and seeing as it really is was quite clear
athàhaö bhikkhave sadevake loke samàrake sabrahmake then, monks, I did declare to the world with its gods, demons, and deities,
sassamaäabràhmaäiyà pajàya sadevamanussàya, to this generation, with its ascetics and brahmins, princes and men,
anuttaraö sammàsambodhiö Abhisambuddho paccaååàsiö. that I was a Full Sambuddha with unsurpassed perfect and complete awakening.
¥àäaå-ca pana me dassanaö udapàdi: To me knowledge and seeing arose:
Akuppà me cetovimutti Sure is my freedom of mind
ayam-antimà jàti this is my last birth
n' atthi dàni punabbhavo" ti. now there is no future existence."
The First Attainment
Idam-avoca Bhagavà,The Gracious One said this,
attamanà paåcavaggiyà bhikkhù Bhagavato bhàsitaö abhinandun-ti. and the group-of-five monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in what was said by the Gracious One.
Imasmiå-ca pana veyyàkaraäasmiö bhaååamàne, Moreover, as this sermon was being given,
àyasmato Koäðaååassa virajaö, vìtamalaö, to venerable Koäðaååa the dust-free, stainless,
Dhammacakkhuö udapàdi:Vision-of-the-Dhamma arose:
Yaö kiåci samudayadhammaö, Whatever has the nature of arising,
sabban-taö nirodhadhamman-ti. all that has the nature of ceasing.
Pavattite ca pana Bhagavatà Dhammacakke Now when the Dhamma Wheel was set rolling by the Gracious One
Bhummà devà saddam-anussàvesuö: the Earth gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Bhummànaö devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the Earth gods
Càtummahàràjikà devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the gods called the Four Great Kings let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Càtummahàràjikà devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the gods called the Four Great Kings
Tàvatiösà devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the Tàvatiösa gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Tàvatiösànaö devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the Tàvatiösa gods
Yàmà devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the Yàma gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Yàmànaö devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the Yàma gods
Tusità devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the Tusita gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Tusitànaö devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the Tusita gods
Nimmàäaratì devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the Nimmàäarati gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Nimmàäaratìnaö devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the Nimmàäarati gods
Paranimmitavasavattino devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the Paranimmitavasavatti gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Paranimmitavasavattìnaö devànaö saddaö sutvà Having heard the cry of the Paranimmitavasavatti gods
Brahmkàyikà devà saddam-anussàvesuö:the Brahmkàyika gods let loose a cry:
"Etaö Bhagavatà Bàràäasiyaö Isipatane Migadàye,"The Gracious One, while near Bànàras, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,
anuttaraö Dhammacakkaö pavattitaö,has set rolling the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel,
appativattiyaö samaäena và bràhmaäena và and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or a brahmin
devena và màrena và brahmunà và kenaci và lokasmin"-ti. or by a god or by a demon or by a deity or by anyone in the world."
Iti ha tena khaäena tena muhuttena,Thus at that moment, at that second,
yàva Brahmalokà saddo abbhuggaåchi, that cry reached as far as the Brahma worlds,
ayaå-ca dasasahassì lokadhàtu saækampi, sampakampi, sampavedhi,and this ten thousand world-element moved, wavered, and shook,
appamàäo ca uëàro obhàso loke pàtur-ahosi,and great and measureless light became manifest in the world,
atikkamma devànaö devànubhàvan-ti. transcending the power of the gods.
Atha kho Bhagavà udànaö udànesi: Then the Gracious One uttered this inspired utterance:
"Aååàsi vata bho Koäðaååo, "My dear Koäðaååa surely knows,
aååàsi vata bho Koäðaååo" ti. my dear Koäðaååa surely knows."
Iti h' idaö àyasmato Koäðaååassa Thus to the venerable Koäðaååa
Aååà Koäðaååo tveva nàmaö ahosì-ti.
came the name Aååà Koäðaååa (Koäðaååa, he-who-knows).
came the name Aååà Koäðaååa (Koäðaååa, he-who-knows).
Main points mentioned in this Sutta are:
1. Two extremes (Dve antā pabbajitena na setitabbā):
2. The Eightfold Noble Path (Ariyo Aṭṭhaṅgiko Maggo):
3. The Four Noble Truths (Ariya saccāni):
4. Thrēe Aspects, and Twelve ways (Tiparivaṭṭa, Dvādasākāra):
I. What are two extremes?
1.Kāmesu Kāmasukhallikānuyogo
2. Attakilamathānuyogo
I I. The Eightfold Noble Path:
1. Sammādiṭṭhi
1/ Kammassakata sammādiṭṭhi
2/ Jhāna sammādiṭṭhi
3/ Vipassanā sammādiṭṭhi
4/ Magga sammādiṭṭhi
5/ Phala sammādiṭṭhi
6/ Paccavekkhanā sammādiṭṭhi
2. Sammāsaṅkappa
1/ Nekkhamma Saṅkappa
2/ Avyāpāda Saṅkappa
3/ Avihiṃsā Saṅkappa
3. Sammāvācā
1/ Musāvādā viramaṇi
2/ Pisuṇavācā viramaṇi
3/ Pharusavācā viramaṇi
4/ Samphappalāpa viramaṇi
4. Sammākammanta
1/ Pānātipātā viramaṇi
2/ Adinnādānā viramaṇi
3/ Kāmesumicchācāra viramaṇi
5. Sammāājīva
6. Sammāvāyāma
7. Sammāsati
8. Sammāsamādhi
Three aspects:

Twelve aspects:
I. Dukkha Ariya Saccaṃ - The Truth of Dukkha

I I. Dukkhasamudaya Ariya Saccaṃ - The Truth of The Origin of Dukkha

I I I . Dukhanirodha Ariya Sacaṃ - The Truth of the Extinction of Dukkha

I V. Dukkhanirodhagāminī Paṭipadā Ariya Sacaṃ - The Truth of the Path that leads to the Extinction of Dukkha

Dukkhasamudaya Ariya Saccaṃ - The Truth of The Origin of Dukkha
This craving is of three kinds:
(i) Craving for sensual pleasures (kāma-taṇhā)
(ii) Craving for existence or becoming (bhava-taṇhā)
(iii) Craving for non-existence or self-annihilation (vibhava-taṇhā)
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