Uposathavidhi (The procedure of observance)
Nine kinds of uposatha

(2)Pannrasø 15th day according to day (divasavasena)
(3)Sæmaggø The day in unity of monks

(5)Pærisuddhi Saying the purity (kattabbakara¼avasena)
(6)Adhi¥¥hæna Determination

(8)Ga¼a Two or three monks (kara¼apuggalavasena)
(9)Puggala One monk only
N.B Suttuddesa uposatha should be done by the Saµgha.
Pærisuddhi uposatha should be done by the Ga¼a.
Adhi¥¥hæna uposatha should be done by the Puggala.
The Sømæs in brief
1.Baddha sømæ The area which is fixed as a boundary by monks having recited
2.Abaddha sømæ The area which is not fixed as a boundary and which is automatically
come itself, without reciting kammavæcæ, to exist as sømæ.
Three kinds of Baddha Sømæ
1.Kha¼ða sømæ The sømæ in the separated place.
2.Samænasaµvæsaka sømæ The sømæ in which monks perform Saµgha kamma harmoniously.
3.Avippavæsa sømæ The sømæ in which monks who determined ticøvara adhi¥¥hæna
can live without any of three robes (Ti cøvara).
Three kinds of Abaddha Sømæ
1.Gæma sømæ The whole district area.
2.Udakukkhepa sømæ The sømæ limited by water.
3.Sattabbhantara sømæ The sømæ which has seven Abbhantaras in the forest.
Pærisuddhi Uposatha (for ga¼a)
Su¼ætu me bhante / ævuso æyasamantæ ajjuposatho pannaraso yadæyasmantænaµ pattakallaµ mayaµ aññamaññaµ pærisuddhi uposathaµ kareyyæma.
Venerable sirs, if there is complete preparedness of the venerables, we should make pærisuddhi uposatha together. (The announcement)
Pærisuddho ahaµ bhante / ævuso pærisuddhoti maµ dhæretha.
Venerable sirs, I am entirely pure. May you hold that I am pure. (Each should say three times).
N.B The announcement should be recited when three monks are there. If there are only two monks, the announcement is not needed to recite. They need to recite the second paragraph only.
Adhi¥¥hæna Uposatha (for puggala)
Ajja me uposatho pannarasoti adhi¥¥hæmi.
I determine today is my uposatha day on the fifteenth.
Two kinds of pætimokkha
(1)Ovædapætimokkha The brief exhortation.
(2)Ƽæpætimokkha. The code of disciplines (all vinaya rules)
Three branches of ovædapætimokkha
I Khantø paramaµ tapo titikkhæ
nibbænaµ parama¼ vadanti buddhæ
na hi pabbajito parþpaghætø
na sama¼o hoti paraµ vihe¥hayanto.
Forbearing patience is the highest moral practice;
“Nibbæna is supreme” say the Buddhas.
A bhikkhu does not harm others;
One who harms others is not a bhikkhu.
II Sabbapæpassa akara¼aµ
Kusalassa upasampadæ
etaµ buddhænasæsanaµ.
The giving up of all evil;
The cultivation of all good;
The cleansing of one’s mind;
This is the exhortation of all Buddhas.
III Anupavædo anupaghæto pætimokkhe ca saµvaro
mattaññutæ ca bhattasmiµ pantañca sayanæsanaµ
adhicitte ca æyogo etaµ Buddhæna sæsanaµ.
Not to revile, not to do any harm;
To practice restraint in the fundamental precepts;
To be moderate in taking food;
to dwell in a secluded place,
Intent on higher thoughts;
This is the exhortation of all Buddhas.
The preliminary duties before doing Uposatha
(The recitation of ƼæPætimokkha)
Four kinds of pubbakara¼a
(The duties before collection of bhikkhus in a sømæ)
1.Sammajjanø to sweep the observance hall.
2.Padøpa to make a light if it is needed.
3.Udaka to set out water.
4.Æsana to prepare seat.
(The duties before recitation of pætimokkha)
1.Chanda to give consent (see below).
2.Pærisuddhi to give purity (see below).
3.Utukkhana to announce season and half-month.
4.Bhikkhuga¼ana to announce the number of monks.
5.Ovæda to announce what bhikkhunøs asked.
Giving consent
Chandaµ dammi, chandaµ me hara, chandaµ me ærocehi.
I give the consent, convey the consent for me, and announce the consent for me.
Conveyance and announcement of consent
Æyasmæ bhante Tissena bhikkhunæ channo dinno, tamahaµ saµghassa ærocemi.
Sir, Venerable Tissa has given his consent to me. I announce it to the Saµgha.
Giving purity
Pærisuddhiµ dammi, pærisuddhiµ me hara, pærisuddhiµ me ærocehi.
I give the purity, convey the purity for me,and announce the purity for me.
Conveyance and announcement of purity
Æyasmæ bhante Tissena bhikkhunæ pærisuddhi dinnæ, tamahaµ saµghassa ærocemi.
Sir, Venerable Tissa has given his purity to me. I announce it to the Saµgha.
Conveyance and announcement of both consent and purity
Æyasmæ bhante Tissena bhikkhunæ chandapærisuddhi dinnæ, tamahaµ saµghassa ærocemi.
Sir, Venerable Tissa has given his consent and purity to me. I announce it to the Saµgha.
Season | No. | World calendar | |||
Summer Season | 1. | Dagu | waxing moon 15th | Citta | March |
waning moon 14th | Vesækha | April | |||
2. | *Kason | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 15th | Je¥¥ha | May | |||
3. | *Nayon | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 14th | Æsaa¹ha | June | |||
4. | *Waso | waxing moon 15th | |||
Raining Season | waning moon 15th | Sæva¼a | July | ||
5. | Wagaung | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 14th | August | ||||
6. | Tawthalin | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 15th | Assayuja | September | |||
7. | Thadingyut | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 14th | Kattika | October | |||
8. | Dazaungmon | waxing moon 15th | |||
Winter Season | waning moon 15th | Mægasira | November | ||
9. | Nadaw | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 14th | Phussa | December | |||
10. | Pyatho | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 15th | Mægha | January | |||
11. | Dabodwe | waxing moon 15th | |||
waning moon 14th | Phaggu¼a | February | |||
12. | Dabaung | waxing moon 15th | |||
Summer | waning moon 15th | Citta | March |
N.B If it is intercalated a month to waso (0gMuD;xyf), there will be full thirty days for each four months continuously, namely kason, nayon, first waso and second waso.
But if it intercalates a month to second month of waso (0gi,fxyf), there will be full thirty days for each of two months that is first waso and second waso.
The charges of Bhikkhu and Bhikkhunø concerning Uposatha
= Two or three Bhikkhunøs should approach to a monk the day before Uposatha day to
inquire about Uposatha.
= They should come again in Uposatha day to ask exhortation from Saµgha.
= The monk who accepted the asking of Bhikkhunøs has to inform about it to the reciter of Pætimokkha in the Observance Hall.
= The reciter of Pætimokkha needs to inquire whether there is any monk who has got the agreement of Saµgha to instruct Bhikkhunøs. If there is, the Bhikkhunøs should hear the exhortation from him. If there is not, "to whom we should agree with" should ask the reciter of Pætimokkha.
= To one who endowed with eight qualities1 should agree with, except three monks2.
= Then the Bhikkhunøs should hear from him.
= If no one is endowed with eight qualities, the reciter of Pætimokkha has to say on the
day after Uposatha day, "Be endowed with Bhikkhunøs' dignity".
= In the day after Uposatha day when Bhikkhunøs come and ask that who will give the
exhortation to us, the monk who accepted the asking of Bhikkhunøs explains about it.
= If the monk who accepted the asking of Bhikkhunøs points a monk for exhortation, the
Bhikkhunøs should hear from that one.
= If the monk who accepted the asking of Bhikkhunøs says, "Be endowed with Bhikkhunøs dignity", the Bhikkhunøs have to say, "Well done, well done, well done", then going back to their nunnery.
1The monk who instructs Bhikkhunøs should be endowed with the followings
1.The observing of Pætimokkhasaµvara søla.
2.The knowledge of tri pi¥aka.
3.The memory, in learning by heart, of Bhikkhu pætimokkha and Bhikkhunø pætimokkha.
4.The clear of the voice.
5.The gaining of the respect of majority of Bhikkhunø Order.
6.The skill or ability to instruct Bhikkhunøs.
7.The nothing of experience, in his former lay life, of bodily contact with Bhikkhunøs, and of
sex with female probationers and female novices.
8.The having of twenty væsas at least.
2 The following monks can reject the Bhikkhunøs' asking for
1.Bæla a monk who is not skillful in announcing procedure of Bhikkhuøs' asking for.
2.Gilæna a monk who is in sick too serious to announce it.
3.Gamika a monk who will set out on journey on the Uposatha day or the day after
Uposatha day.
Four kinds of pattakalla
(Ready or proper to perform uposatha)
1.Uposatha the observance days.
2.Yævatikæ ca bhikkhþ kammapattæ there are at least four monks in a sømæ.
3.Sabhægæpattiyo ca na vijjanti they are entirely pure.
4.Vajjanøyæ ca puggalæ tasmiµ na honti there are not twenty one vajjanøyapuggalas within the two cubits and half-cubits of monks.
Making pure oneself or Confession of offence (Æpatti desanæ )
Junior Ahaµ bhante sabbæ æpattiyo ævikaromi.
Venerable sir, I would like to confess all of my offence.
Senior Sædhu ævuso sædhu sædhu.
Well done, friend, well done, well done.
Junior Ahaµ bhante sambahulæ nænævutthukæ sabbæ æpattiyo æpajjiµ. Tæ tumhamþle pa¥idesemi.
Venerable sir, I have committed many offences of different bases. I confess all of them to you.
Senior Passsi ævuso tæ æpattiyo.
Do you see them?
Junior Æma bhante passæmi.
Yes, I see them, Venerable sir.
Senior Æyatiµ ævuso saµvareyyæsi.
You should restrain yourself in future.
Junior Sædhu su¥¥hu bhante saµvarissæmi.
I shall well restrain myself in future, Venerable sir.
Senior Sædhu ævuso sædhu sædhu.
Well done, friend, well done, well done.
Senior Ahaµ ævuso sabbæ æpattiyo ævikaromi.
Friend, I would like to confess all of my offence.
Junior Sædhu bhante sædhu sædhu.
Well done, Venerable sir, well done, well done.
Senior Ahaµ ævuso sambahulæ nænævutthukæ sabbæ æpattiyo æpajjiµ. Tæ tuyhamþle pa¥idesemi.
Friend, I have committed many offences of different bases. I confess all of them to you.
Junior Passsi bhante tæ æpattiyo.
Do you see them?
Senior Æma ævuso passæmi.
Yes, I see them, friend.
Junior Æyatiµ bhante saµvareyyætha.
You should restrain yourself in future.
Senior Sædhu su¥¥hu ævuso saµvarissæmi.
I shall well restrain myself in future, friend.
Junior Sædhu bhante sædhu sædhu.
Well done, Venerable sir, well done, well done.
Junior Ahaµ bhante sambahulæ nænævutthukæ sabbæ æpattiyo æpajjiµ. Tæ tumhamþle pa¥idesemi.
Venerable sir, I have committed many offences of different bases. I confess all of them to you.
Senior Passsi ævuso tæ æpattiyo.
Do you see them?
Junior Æma bhante passæmi.
Yes, I see them, Venerable sir.
Senior Æyatiµ ævuso saµvareyyæsi.
You should restrain yourself in future.
Junior Sædhu su¥¥hu bhante saµvarissæmi.
I shall well restrain myself in future, Venerable sir.
Senior Sædhu ævuso sædhu sædhu.
Well done, friend, well done, well done.
21.Vajjanøyapuggalas (improper beings)
(1) Gahattha = Layman, Laywoman.
(2) Bhikkhunø = Female monk.
(3) Sikkhæpaccætaka = One who has disavowed the trainings.
(4) Sama¼era = Novice.
(5) Sama¼era = Female novice.
(6) Sikkhamæna = One who is under instruction or
for two years.
(7) *Antimavatthuajjhæpannaka = One who committed Parajika offence.
(8) *Æpattiyæ adassane = One who is suspended for not seeing offences.
(9) *Æpattiyæ appa¥inissagge = One who is suspended for not
ukkhittaka confession offences.
(10) Pæpikæya di¥¥hiyæ = One who is suspended for not giving
appa¥inissagge ukkhittaka up a wrong doing.
(11) Pa¼ðaka = a eunuch.
(12) Theyyasaµvæsaka = One who has entered the Saµgha stealthily.
(13) Titthiyapakkantaka = One who has gone over to a sect.
(14) Tiraccana = an animal.
(15) Mætughætaka = Matricide.
(16) Pitughætaka = Patricide.
(17) Arahantaghætaka = One who kills Arahant.
(18) Lohituppædaka = One who sheds blood from the body of the Buddha.
(19) Saµghabhedaka = One who makes schism (division of Saµgha).
(20) Bhikkhunødþsaka = One who seduces female monk.
(21) Ubhatobya³janaka = One who has both male and female sexual organs.
*NB- Of them three ukkhittaka puggalas should not be in a simæ.
other eighteen puggalas can stay in a simæ, but other places from two and half cubits of Bhikkhus.
Pubbakara¼apubbakiccæni samæpetvæ desitæpattikassa samaggassa Bhikkhusaµghassa Pætimokkhaµ uddisituµ ærædhanaµ karoma.
Having performed the preliminary actions and preliminary acts, by the consent of the Saµgha that has declared its offences and that is united, let us satisfy ourselves (or let us make effort) to recite the Pætimokkha.
The announcement
Su¼ætu me bhante saµgho, yadisaµghassa pattakallaµ, ahaµ pætimokkhaµ uddiseyyaµ.
Su¼ætu me bhante saµgho, ajjuposatho pannaraso, yadisaµghassa pattakallaµ, saµgho uposathaµ kareyya, pætimokkhaµ uddiseyya.
Venerable sirs, let the Saµgha hear me. If there is complete preparedness for the Saµgha, may I recite the Pætimokkha.
Venerable sirs, let the Saµgha hear me. Today is the Uposatha of the Fifteenth. If there is complete preparedness for the Saµgha, let the Saµgha carry out the Uposatha, let it recite the Pætimokkha.
N.B. Then he must recite pætimokkha beginning with Nidænuddesa up to Vitthæruddesa.
If any emergency or danger occurs there, the recitation can be abbreviated
Five uddesas
i.nissaggiya pæcittiya
ii.suddha pæcittiya
Ten emergencies or dangers
1.Ræjantaræya the emergency for the kind.
2.Corantaræya the emergency for the thief.
3.Agyantaræya the emergency for the conflagration.
4.Udakantaræya the emergency for the floodwaters.
5.Manussantaræya the emergency for the people.
6.Amanussantaræya the emergency for the spirit.
7.Væ¹antaræya the emergency for the dangerous animal.
8.Sarøsapantaræya the emergency for the poisonous snake.
9.Jøvitantaræya the emergency for the life.
10.Brahmacariyantaræya the emergency for the religious duty or discipline.
The best way how to abbreviate the recitation of Pætimokkha
Suppose, On account of one of ten emergencies, the pætimokkha is recited only up to Niddænuddesa. In that case, having recited the Nidænuddesa, the followings should be recited, and then the Uposatha performance is completed.
Udi¥¥haµ kho æyasmanto nidænaµ,
Sutæ kho panæyasmantehi cattæro pæræjikædhammæ,
Sutæ terasa saµghædisesæ dhammæ,
Sutædve aniyatæ dhammæ,
Sutæ tiµsa nissaggiyæ pæcittiyæ dhammæ,
Sutæ dvenavuti pæcittiyæ dhammæ,
Sutæ cattæro pæ¥idesanøyæ dhammæ,
Sutæ Sekhiyæ dhammæ,
Sutæ satta adhikara¼asamathæ dhammæ.
Ettakaµ tassa bhagavato suttægataµ suttapariyæpanaµ anvddhamæsaµ uddesaµ ægacchati, tattha sabbeh'eva samaggehi sammodamænehi avivadamænehi sikkhitabban ti.
Nidænuddeso pa¥hamo.
Venerable sirs,
the introduction has been recited,
the four rules of defeat have been heard,
the thirteen rules entailing initial and subsequent meeting of the Saµgha have been heard,
the two indefinite rules have been heard,
the thirty rules entailing expiation with forfeiture have been heard,
the ninety two rules entailing expiation have bee heard,
the four rules that must be confessed have been heard,
the rules of training have been heard,
and the seven rules for the settlement of legal processes have been heard.
This much is in the Pætimokkha, included in the Pætimokkha, of the Blessed One, which comes up for recitation each fortnight. Herein all should train in concord and agreement without dispute.
The recitation of Nidænuddesa is the first.
Sædhu! Sædhu! Sædhu!
It is well! It is well! It is well!
(By all monks participating)
Suttuddesa uposatha (the recitation of Pætimokkha) is completed.
Uposathavidhi, the procedure of observance is finished.
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