International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU) - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Thursday, July 4, 2019

International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU)

The Union of Myanmar stands majestically in the midst of the world as the center of Theravāda Buddhism as bright and radiant as the Sun or the Moon. As it is the auspicious region where Theravāda Buddhism flourishes, it may be termed the precious land of Buddha Dhamma with golden pagodas and temples. Soon after Lord Buddha attained Supreme Enlightenment the two Myanmar merchant brothers by the names of Tapussa and Bhallika received eight strands of hair from the Lord Buddha and it is assumed that it was a gift of prophecy that the Sāsanā in Myanmar would shine as brilliantly as the Sun or the Moon. For more than 25 centuries, the Buddha Sāsanā has been flourishing in Myanmar as Myanmar Buddhist monks have successfully carried out their duties in Pariyatti or learning Pitaka literature and scriptures as well as the duties of Patipatti or meditation practice. So many Arahants have appeared on this land throughout the ages; it is prestigious for the Union of Myanmar that not only Myanmar Buddhist monks but also Buddhist nuns perform well the duties of Pariyatti and Patipatti in a court where the teaching of the Buddha. Since the inception of Buddhism in the Bagan Era and throughout the successive Dynasties of Sagaing, Pinya, Inwa, Nyaung Yan, Taungoo and Konbaung till today, the noble Bhikkhus have striven hard to promote the Buddha Sāsanā by carrying out the dual duty of Gandha-dhura or learning the scriptures and Vipassana-dhura or practicing meditation similarly the laypeople have provided the four requisites of monks with veneration to the three jewels the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha and thus the people of Myanmar have enjoyed the Fruits of Dhamma. The 128 year-old Hti Daw umbrella of the Shwedagon Pagoda high staged by King Mingdon has deteriorated and was replaced by a new one donated by well-wishers led by the state thus the Myanmar people can enjoy blissfully the fruits of the Buddha Dhamma in the secret land. At such a time while the Buddhist Sāsanā was flourishing, another maestro was added to the history of Buddhism in Myanmar. The sacred tooth relic from the People's Republic of China was conveyed to Myanmar in 1994 and again in 1996 for public veneration. In commemoration of such significant events, the state peace and development council built two identical secret Tooth Relic pagodas, one in Yangon and another in Mandalay and this made the people of Myanmar joyous and promoted Missionary zoo, the site of the Tooth Relic Pagoda, Dhammapāla Hill, Mayangon township Yangon division has become a new religious and historical place. Moreover, the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University has emerged near the briefings of the Tooth Relic pagoda, which is a milestone in the religious history of Myanmar. Today the Union of Myanmar stands first among the five Theravāda Buddhist countries in the world. The rest of the Theravāda Buddhist countries are Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka. The union of Myanmar, which has kept the teaching of the Buddha in its pristine purity, is playing a leading role in Theravāda Buddhism in its pristine purity. Since there are well-learned monks who can commit the Buddhist scriptures to memory, Myanmar has become gradually a center for studying and propagation of the Theravāda Buddhism. Foreigners who take interest in Theravāda Buddhism come to Myanmar to study and practice Pariyatti and Patipatti. Observing difficulty in language barriers in learning Theravāda Buddhism by foreigners, chairman of the state peace and development council, Senior General Than Shwe desired strongly to establish a center for studying the Essence of Theravāda Buddhism thoroughly in a single place. As from where to disseminate it throughout the World at the 9th meeting of the third-stage Sangha Mahā Nāyaka committee held on 21st September 1994, a supplication on the construction of the Tooth Relic pagoda and the plan to establish the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University was recorded. Another guidance of Senior General Than Shwe the first coordination meeting presided over by Secretary 1 and General Khin Nyunt to implement the construction of the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University was held at a meeting hall near the Tooth Relic pagoda on the Dhammapāla Hill on 17 April 1997. Successive coordination meetings headed by a secretary 1 and General Khin Nyunt followed thanks to the close supervision of secretary 1 and General Khin Nyunt, concerted efforts of the minister and responsible persons of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and assistance from other ministries, International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University has appeared during a short period of time. Under the guidance of the head of state, responsible persons managed to implement the works in detail. An International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University was the successfully opened on 9th December 1998. The inauguration ceremony was held on a grand scale in the Mahāpāsanā Cave at Kaba Aye block, Yangon and was attended by members of the State Sangha Mahā Nāyaka committee, the state leaders headed by Vice Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Deputy Commander-in-chief of the Defense Services and Commander-in-chief Army General Maung Aye, specially invited guests from foreign countries, students and Buddhist devotees. There were 36 foreign Monks, Nuns and lady students representing Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, People's Republic of China, Germany, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam and 51 Myanmar students including monks, nuns and lay people.

The Objectives of University:

1)   sharing the genuine Theravāda Buddhism, (The teaching of Gotama Buddha) with the people of the world.
2) studying and comprehending the canonical texts of Theravāda Pitaka as approved successively by the six Buddhist Councils.
3) abstaining from evil deeds and practicing good deeds.
4) promoting the four modes of sublime living (Brahma-Vihara) which would lead to the establishment of a peaceful and prosperous world.
5) training more missionaries endowed with good morality who are well-versed in Pitaka Literature and meditational practices.

This university offers the subjects at Tipitaka Texts: Suttanta, Vinaya, Abhidhamma, Buddhist Culture and History, Pāli language, Myanmar language, Dhammānuloma, Samatha, Vipassanā, Missionary Works were such comparative studies of religions and foreign languages. Moreover, the significance of this university is that the teachings of the Lord Buddha are taught together with practical meditation methods taught by the Dean of the Faculty of Patipatti and Faculty members. The state in collaboration with the public take responsibility for accommodation, food, academies subjects and medical cover for foreign students. Hostels are kept clean and tidy. Post and telecommunication Center is also open to the students. The students at the end of the academic year will be conferred a diploma in Buddha Dhamma. The state has arranged for the students who have already obtained diploma in Buddha Dhamma to pursue their studies in BA, MA, and PhD. Such a successful development of Buddhism in Myanmar is due to the leadership of the state organizations the states world and people's faith and generosity as well as Senior General Than Shwe's true faith in Theravāda Buddhism and Ovāda - exhortation of the leading Patron Venerable Sayadaw’s instructions and guidance of the cabinet and efforts of administrators. Because of such joint efforts, the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University was founded during the tenure of state peace and development council on 9th December 1998 and the first conferring ceremony of one-year diploma in Buddha Dhamma were ceremoniously held on 12th November 1999. Now the three jewels of the Buddha are shining always in the secret land of Myanmar in accordance with the exhortation of the leading Patron Sayadaw; the state's leaders in collaboration with Myanmar people have founded the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University, which had never been materialized in Myanmar history. Centered on this University, all of us are striving our best to promote Theravāda Buddhism. It is indeed the greatest accomplishment and prestige of the country.

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