The Buddha Does for the World after His Enlightenment - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Friday, October 11, 2019

The Buddha Does for the World after His Enlightenment

Since enlightenment until the last moment of his life, the Buddha tirelessly devoted his time, energy and with his universal compassion and infinite love for the benefits of mankind and Devas.
For nearly half a century, the Buddha walked on the dusty paths of India teaching the Dhamma so that those who heard and practised could be ennobled and free. He founded an Order of Monks and Nuns, challenged the caste system, raised the status of women, taught religious freedom and free inquiry, opened the gates of deliverance to all, in every condition of life, high or low, saint or sinner, and ennobled the lives of criminals like Agulimāla and courtesans like Ambapāli.
He was getting advance in wisdom and intellect. Every problem was analyzed in details and then reassembled in logical order. None could defeat Him in dialogue. An unequalled teacher, He still is the foremost analyst of the mind and phenomena even up to the present day. For the first time in history of religion, He said that man are the owner of themselves, raised the worth of mankind, and showed that a man can reach to the highest knowledge and supreme Enlightenment by his own efforts.

No one was too little or low for the Buddha to help. Often when an outcaste, the poor or the dejected came to Him, his self-respect was restored and he turned from an ignoble life to a noble one.
The Exalted One was full of compassion (karuäā) and wisdom (paññā), knowing how and what to teach each individual for his own benefits according to his level and capability. He was known to have walked long distance to help one single person.
He was affectionate and devoted to His disciples, always inquiring after their well-being and progress. When staying at the monastery, He paid daily visits to the sick wards. His compassion for the sick can be seen from His advice: “He, who attends the sick, attends on me.” The Buddha kept order and discipline on the basis of mutual respect. King Pasenadi could not understand how the Buddha maintained such order and discipline in the community of monks, when he as a king with the power to punish could not maintain it well in his court.
Many miraculous powers were attributed to Him, but He did not consider these. To Him, the greatest miracle was to explain the truth and make a man realise it. He was moved by human suffering and determined to free men from its fetters by a rational system of thought and the way of living.
After forty-five years of ministry, the Buddha passed away at the age of eighty at Kusinara, leaving behind thousands of followers, monks and nuns, and a vast treasure store of Dhamma teaching. The impact of His great works, love, and dedication is still felt today.

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