Ānāpānasati Second to Fourth Jhāna - Pa Auk Sayadaw - 2006-05-20 - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ānāpānasati Second to Fourth Jhāna - Pa Auk Sayadaw - 2006-05-20

A brief biography of The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw Bhaddanta Āciṇṇa

1934—The Venerable Pa Auk TawyaSayadaw was born on 24th June about 8.00 a.m on Sunday in Leigh-chaung Village, Hinthada township. He is the fourth son of U Phyu and Daw Saw Tin.
1944—On 2nd May, he was ordained as a novice under the preceptorship of Sa-linKyaung Venerable Sayadaw U Sona at Salin Monastery in Leigh-chaung Village.
From May 1950 to May 1952—He studied the Buddhist Scriptures (Pariyatti) in Ye-kyeeTaik-thitKyaung from Sayadaws: Venerable AshinMahinda, Venerable AshinPundavamsa and Venerable AshinPaññavanta. He passed the PathamaNge (Pali Primary) Examination in 1951 and the PathamaLatt (PaliIntermeditate) Examination in 1952.
1952—He studied Pali verse composition, rhetorical composition, higher Yamaka and Rupa-Siddhi for three months from Venerable SayadawAshinUttama of AungMingalaTheik-dhiKyaung in Kyi-myin-taing, Yangon.
1952—He moved to MasoyeinKyaung- taik in Mandalay in the month of Thadinkyut (around October). He then studied Patthana from Sayadaw U Suriya and U Sumana, the higher Yamaka from VinayaSayadaw and rhetorical composition from PaliSayadaw.
1954—The Venerable AshinAcinna moved to Myin-wunKyaung – taik in Mandalay. He studied Bhedacinta, Atthasalini Commentary, SilakkhandhaVagga Commentary, Samanta-pasadika Commentary, etc from various Sayadaws who are VenerablesPadamyaSayadaw U Ukkamsa from MyinWunTaikKyaung; AmarapuraSayadaw U Ukkamsa, Sayadaw U Ariya, Sayadaw U Kumara (now known as BamawSayadaw) and Sayadaw U Paññajota from PhayagyiKyaung-taik; Sayadaw U Suriya and Sayadaw U Puññananda from Taung-htee-linKyaung -taik.
1953—He passed the PathamaKyi (Higher Pali) Examination.
1954—On 10th May he received his higher ordination in the Kanda Sima of Ye-kyeeTaik-thitKyaung, Hinthada Township under the preceptorship of the Most Venerable MavgalaSayadaw,AshinPanna, the sect president of Ye-kyee. The patron-donor then for the Venerable AshinAcinna was U San Chein, Daw Aye Tin, and family of Hinthada Township.
1964—The Venerable AshinAcinna began to practice forest dwelling during his 10thvassa. He also learnt meditation from: Venerable Ka-thit-waingSayadaw for 10 days, the Venerable Than-lyinSayadaw who taught four elements meditation for 6½ months in 1966 and the Most Venerable Shwe-thein-daw TawyaSayadaw who taught mindfulness of breathing for 3½ months in 1967.
1956—While staying in PhayagyiKyaung-taik in Ukkam, the Venerable AshinAcinna sat for an examination and passed with the title Sasanadhajasiripavara-dhammacariya.
1964—The Venerable AshinAcinna began to practice meditation in MahasiSasanaYeiktha Meditation Centre under the guidance of the Most Venerable MahasiSayadaw and Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita (now known as the Venerable ShweTaungGonSayadaw).
Since 1964—Practising forest dwelling, he stayed for: one Vassa in Taung-waing-gyiTawya near Nemindara Hill, Thathon; three Vassas in Citta-sukhaTawyaKyaung in Mudone Township; and 13 Vassas in Ah-sin TawyaKyaung, Ye Township. Now he has been staying in Pa Auk Tawya since 1981. While staying in those places, he studied the Buddhist Scriptures and practiced meditation as much as he can. Teaching meditation to local and foreign meditators as much as he can, he tries to promote and propagate Pariyatti (study), Patipatti (practice) and Pativedha (realization) of the Buddha’s teachings.
1966— He learnt meditation from the Venerable Than-lyinSayadaw who taught four elements meditation for 6½ months.
1967— He also learnt meditation from the Most Venerable Shwe-thein-daw TawyaSayadaw who taught mindfulness of breathing for 3½ months.
1996—The Most Venerable Pa Auk TawyaSayadaw received the title ‘MahaKammatthanacariya’ given by the government.
1999—The Most Venerable Pa Auk TawyaSayadaw received the title ‘AggaMahaKammatthanacariya’ given by the government.

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