Q.11. What is the path that
leads to the extinction of suffering?
A. It is the Noble
Eightfold path consisting of right understanding, right thought, right speech,
right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right
Q.12. Why is the Noble
Eightfold Path called the Middle Path?
A. Because it avoids
the two extremes:
- Giving oneself-up
to indulgence in sensual pleasure, the base, common, vulgar, unholy, and
- Giving oneself-up
to self-mortification, the painful, unholy and unprofitable.
What is the signification of the Middle path?
A. Having avoided
these two extremes, the perfect one has found out the Middle path, which makes
one both to see and to know, which lead to peace, to discernment, to enlighten,
to Nibbāna.
If one walks along
the Middle path ardently and steadfastly, one shall develop morality, mental
concentration and insight knowledge in to the psychophysical phenomena stage by
stage until finally one can attains the path wisdom (magga-ñāna) when one
understand the Four Noble Truth thoroughly with direct knowledge one then
becomes a Noble person called Ariya.
Why do some critics say that Buddhism is pessimism? Is it true? Why?
A: Firstly, Noble
truth state of birth is suffering ageing, sickness and death are suffering,
association with un-beloved ones and separation from beloved are suffering, not
to get one desires is suffering, and in brief, the five of groups of existence
(clinging) are suffering.
Secondly, very
existence is made up of five groups of clinging, so all existences are
suffering. For this criticizes say Buddhism is pessimism.
Thirdly, statement
that Buddhism is pessimism is not true Buddhism is realism as it looks in to
the real facts of life. If we can develop the right concentration we can see by
direct knowledge that very existence is made up five groups of existence and these
group in turn are composed of ultimate mental entities and material entities,
which are arising and dissolving very rapidly, in endlessly so they are
impermanent and real suffering.
Fourthly, pessimism
tends to be gloomy shaking that the worst will happen. Pessimism always looks
on the dark snider of thing, and be level that evil always triumph over good.
Fifthly, the Buddha
also describe the cause of suffering to be craving which give rise to new
existence of suffering and also the path that lead the existence of craving
which bring about the extinction of suffering and the enjoyment of eternal
peace and happiness called Nibbāna which is the best attainment in life.
15. Why is the Noble Eightfold Path also called the Noble Threefold Training?
A. The Noble Eightfold Path is also called the Noble Threefold Training the training of morality, the training of concentration, and the training of wisdom the Eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path can be classified as the Noble Threefold Training as follows:
III. Training of Wisdom (Paññā Sikkhā)
Right Understanding (Sammā- diṭṭhi)
Right Thought (Sammā-Saṅkappa)
I. Training of Morality (Sīla Sikkhā)
Right Speech (Sammā-Vacā)
Right Action (Sammā-Kammanta)
Right Livelihood (Sammā-Ājīva)
II. Training of Concentration (Sammādhi Sikkhā)
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness (Sammā-Sati)
3. Right Concentration (Sammā-Samādhi)
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