What is Abhidhamma? - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Thursday, January 16, 2025

What is Abhidhamma?

Abhidhamma is unique in Buddhism. It is one of the Tipitaka Pàli texts which explain dhamma in detail and in an analytical way.

           Abhidhamma can be conjugated into two words which are Abhi + Dhamma. The prefix ‘Abhi’ means predominant, great, excellent, and sublime, etc. Dhamma is from the root Ö dhar –to hold, support. Here the Pàli term is used in the sense of doctrine or teaching.

           In Abhidhamma, everything is expressed in terms of five aggregates, twelve bases, elements, faculties, truths and so on.

           So chiefly owing to the excellent analytical method of treatment it is called Abhidhamma.

           The Abhidhamma Piåaka consists of seven treaties, namely:

1- Dhammasangaäì    = the explanation of Dhamma

2- Vibhaæga               = the book of analysis

3- Dhàtukathà            = the book of elements

4- Puggalappaññatti   = the book of designation of individual

5- Kathàvatthu           = the points of controversy

6- Yamaka                  = the book of pairs

7- Paååhàna                 = the book of conditions.                

           The Abhidhamma lets us know the Dhamma which are wholesome and unwholesome. Then it explains our own mind and matter what is happened, how to feel.

           Today, many people in the world are interesting in Abhidhamma which can avoid of the human extinction.


Abhidhamma is a significant subject in Buddhist study. How? Why?

           The teachings of Lord Buddha in the course of 45 years of His Buddha-hood have been divided into three collections called “Tipitaka” in Pali, meaning the three Baskets, literally. The first collection is known as ‘Suttanta Pitaka,’ the second collection is known as ‘Vinaya Pitaka’ and the third collection is known as ‘Abhidhamma Pitaka’. All the teachings of the Buddha have significance the same in Buddhist study.

           Before we describe about its whole meaning, we have to understand the meaning of Abhidhamma and significant subject. Abhidhamma comes from the prefix ‘Abhi’ and the word ‘Dhamma’. The prefix Abhi is used in the sense of preponderant, great, excellent, sublime, distinct, marvellous, etc., while Dhamma is the Pali word, meaning ‘the doctrine or the teachings of the Buddha. Abhidhamma, therefore, is more sublime, preponderant, and marvellous dhamma than Suttanta and Vinaya. And significant subject refers to the subject that has benefit so much in Buddhist study. Well, Abhidhamma consists of 42.000 dhammakkhandhas. Moreover, in Abhidhamma, the Buddha analysed mind and matter in minute detail in terms of the ultimate realities known as ‘Paramathas’. Abhidhamma deals with the realities that really exist in nature. It correctly and microscopically analyses both mind and matter which constitutes this complex machinery of man. It describes the six sense-doors in man. The six senses coming from outside and the arising of thought processes when the sense comes into contact with the sense-doors. Various mental states together with the causes of these mental states are vividly enumerated. Not only the wholesome and unwholesome thoughts and their consequences are elaborated but also the process of life and death and that of rebirth in various planes under the mimic force are also clearly explained in Abhidhamma. Of course, Rupa, which comprises matter and energy, is subdivided and characterized to the ultimate states. Both nama (mind and its concomitants) and Rupa (matter and energy) are very short-lived. They arise and dissolve in the order of a trillion (1012) times per second. In Abhidhamma, the laws of Dependent Origination and the law of Causal Relations are treated systematically and thoroughly. These laws really find no part in any philosophy. Finally, the fourfold Noble Truth clearly comes to light as it goes through Abhidhamma. On the other hand, Abhidhamma can pin-point the analyses and characteristic of the mind, describe the functions of the mind and put the mind in its proper place, while the natural sciences cannot. The true ability of every person lies in his mind. So nobody needs look up to the sky and ask for help from some supernatural forces for the most powerful force lies within him. Abhidhamma also tells about matter in relation to the mind. It also describes Nibbana (Nirvana) which is free from mind and matter. Natural sciences cannot turn a scoundrel to a noble man, whereas Abhidhamma can. Scientists and philosophers cannot show the way to the cessation of suffering and to peace whereas Abhidhamma can.

           All in all, Abhidhamma is a real significant subject in Buddhist study because when all the people clearly study and practice it all the time, it can pin-point our mind, analyse and characterize our mind, describe the functions of our mind, put our mind into its proper place. Moreover, it can lead us to Nibbana, which is free from suffering. And it will make us get rid of greediness, anger, and delusion.

           So we all have to try our best to study Abhidhamma and then practise it properly everyday, week, month, and year. It will lead us to the campful and peaceful place, called Nibbana, which is free from birth, old age, sickness, and death. The Buddha said, “Health is the best gain, contentment is the best wealth, a trusty friend is the best kinsman, and Nibbana is the Supreme Bliss.”

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